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From Elanda with Love

My heart bursts with gratitude launching my brand new website

This website is the accomplishment of a long personal process and journey.

Sometimes it can seem that the Universe is conspiring to slow you down, and I know in my case, the Universe slowed me down a lot last year, but I knew it was for a good reason so I surrendered to it.

I had to bring closure to a period of my life in order to open a new chapter. I needed time and space to recharge my batteries, find myself again, align myself with my beliefs, my inner voice and with my purpose. Now I know I am on the right path.

That's why I took the resolution in January 2021 to "Act" and "Share" as much as possible. Share my tools with you, my voice, my happiness, my love. That's Elanda Life.

Please visit and let me know what you think!

I want to thank @madameviale for her precious guidance, @alphapixdesign for the edits (I built my website alone but they corrected few bugs before it went live), @aleancabrandcoach for their inspiration, @loeilderrierelemiroir for her fabulous photos! and my entire family for its unswerving support. To my students and clients: thank you so much for your trust!

And to my angels Marc and Judy thank you for watching over me...

With Love,



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