Hi! I'm Marion
Reiki Master, Massage Therapist,
Intuitive Life Coach
& Yoga Instructor
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'
Actually, who are you not to be?"
Marianne Williamson,
A Return to Love:
Reflections on the principles of « A Course in Miracles »

I will help you to
Heal your physical and emotional trauma
Rebalance and boost your vital energy
zen & happy
Thrive as a
hypersensitive empath
Build peaceful and loving Relationships

« No more back pain, feeling incredibly relaxed and full of positive energy : this is how I felt after Marion’s Reiki session. Followed by a Life Coaching session, it put me back on the right track, gave me better clarity of mind and huge confidence for the future. Feeling so relieved and grateful to you Marion ».
Sophie B., Switzerland
« I have never met someone who embodies so perfectly what she says and does than Marion. With yoga she leads you with patience and gentleness into slow movements, urging you to listen to your body and connect to your breathe, with Reiki she reads into you like an open book, unveils and heals old wounds… Marion is just quite a special being. »
Michael S., Monaco
“I experienced significant trauma in my youth. During the Reiki sessions, Marion was able to take a large part of the weight of this trauma off me, and of its energy imprint on me. Then she gave me concrete tools to deal with it better. I feel since our sessions much lighter and ready to be happy.”
Anicka T. Monaco
I met Marion one morning a bit by chance. I realized later that it was not a coincidence.
I met a fairy of wellness. I found peace, comfort, energy, joy and sharing.
Marion knows exactly how to listen to our bodies and our souls to reinvigorate them and bring them back to life. I will always go back to her.”
Laurence P., Paris
“Thank you for all your affection and for all your help.
You told me one day that Yoga had saved your life, well, our meeting and your teachings also saved mine.”
Karine A., Monaco
“If Marion passes in your life, it’s not by chance, choose to go a long way with her.
In addition to doing good to your body, it will bring you serenity. It will give you keys that will open small doors to the essential with kindness and love. “
Laura V., Cap d'Ail
1 hr
111 euros1 hr 30 min
150 euros1 hr
150 euros